
Python blender
Python blender

python blender

bpy.props - functions for defining properties.Also accessible in the Console window via the global variable C.

python blender

  • bpy.context - contains settings like the current 3D mode, which objects are selected, and so on.
  • When you write an addon script, it will typically define new operators. And of course they can be invoked from a script.
  • bpy.ops - operators perform the actual functions of Blender these can be attached to hotkeys, menu items and buttons.
  • bpy.types - information about the types of the objects in bpy.data.
  • bpy.data - This is where you find the contents of the current document.
  • The contents of the bpy module are divided into several submodules, among which are: As soon as you do this, the cube will jump another step, like before.

    python blender

    To make it move again, press UPARROW to bring back the above command, so you can execute it again with ENTER . Were you watching the 3D View when you pressed ENTER ? You should have seen the cube jump to a different position. (Note the doubled parentheses: mathutils.Vector takes a single argument, which is a tuple of X, Y and Z coordinate values.)

    Python blender